The Start of a new career (Yamaha Bigbear 400)
This project was given to me by a very trusting Charity who teaching young adults and children with difficulties and learning difficulties and trusted me with restoring their ATV Yamaha Bigbear 400 when I explained I was looking for a good reject to start my new ATV repair business. This ATV had been barn stored and not ran for 3-4 Years and everything was seized and rusted and some of which was rotten away to nothing. I must say that genuinely without WD-40 this project would have been so much more difficult as most of the nuts bolts, choke cable throttle cable all the brakes wheee seized solid and after a soak in WD-40 made life so much easier and came off with ease and the brakes and cables all freed off. This was the start of my journey as AgriMac. And haven’t stopped using WD-40 since. Every ATV that comes in has seized brakes, throttle cables etc and is now a daily use product. Thank you !!